Experience: HIAS

Sally Biederman
Judy Blackman
Albert Cimmer
Louis Falek
Joseph Farkas
Lilly Farkas
Ben Fisk
Amalie Goldstein
Eva Haase
Mike Judikovic
Henry Lewin
Wierra Lewin
Andrzej Lubieniecki
Edward Malinowski
Eby Mann
Resi Moritz
Eva Nove
Norbert Reinstein
Jenoe Roth
Tobi Roth
Katherine "Kathy" Sattler
Abram Shain
Jack Weinberger
Shari Weiss
Alfred Zydower
“HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, is the international migration agency of the American Jewish community. We provide rescue and refuge for persecuted and oppressed Jews around the world. In recent years, as the population of Jewish refugees has diminished, we have directed our expertise to assist refugees and immigrants of all backgrounds. HIAS also advocates in Congress for fair and effective policies affecting refugees and immigrants. Since 1881, HIAS has assisted more than 4,500,000 people worldwide.”

“Among the Society's proudest operations are those that were conducted through the shelter. Though precious few refugees were rescued during World War II, due to the restrictive National Origins Quota of 1924, HIAS provided immigration and refugee services to those who were. After the war, HIAS was instrumental in evacuating the displaced persons' camps and aiding in the resettlement of some 150,000 people in 330 U.S. communities, as well as Canada, Australia, and South America.”

Accessed on July 21, 2011

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