Aldabert Mann

"Stay alive."

Name at birth
Adalbert Mann
Date of birth
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
Budoi, Romania (Transylvania)
Name of father, occupation
Nandor Mann, Businessman
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Magda Mann, Homemaker and Storekeeper
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Mother, father, my brother and me
How many in entire extended family?
Who survived the Holocaust?
My brother, two uncles and me
My parents had a big textile business, a wealthy family. During the war I spent four and half years doing forced labor in Hungary in factories. After the war my brother went to Israel and then South America to Chile. I stayed in Romania and worked as a buyer in the textile company.
Name of Concentration / Labor Camp(s)
When did you come to the United States?
Where did you settle?
Livonia, MI
How is it that you came to Michigan?
My wife’s brother lived in Detroit
Occupation after the war
Buyer and Meat Cutter
When and where were you married?
1945 in Romania
Viorica Mann, Seamstress
George Mann, attorney
What do you think helped you to survive?
Will power and luck.
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
Stay alive.
Charles Silow
Interview date:
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