Name at birth
Reli Keisler
Where were you born?
Name of father, occupation
Alexander (Shoni)
Maiden name of mother, occupation
  After my mother Miriam became ill, my father Alexander (Shoni) took the family to my maternal grandparents in Ruska Krayna.  My father was arrested six weeks later as he was attempting to come back to see our family; he never returned.  
In 1944, my family went into hiding in the village of Porubka.  We were living as Christians with a family in town, even though the entire village knew that we were Jews.  
My mother died of tuberculosis in January of 1945, four days before liberation.  I was taken to the mountains surrounding the village.  I was reunited with my grandparents and other family members who had hidden among the partisans.  I lived with my grandparents in Hummene.  After the war, I was adopted by my aunt and uncle and became a Weisberger in order to immigrate to Canada in 1949.  I came to the United States in 1955.
Where were you in hiding?
Where did you go after being liberated?
The mountains surrounding the village of Porubka
When did you come to the United States?

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