Rita Rozencweig

"Remember what happened."

Name at birth
Rita Rozenwesg
Date of birth
Where were you born?
Name of father, occupation
Icyk, Businessman
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Schandle Rozenwald, Homemaker
How many in entire extended family?
Who survived the Holocaust?
Just me
I was adopted by a Belgian couple by the name of Gladys and Joseph Marechal.  They belonged to the Huguenot church, French Protestants and were friends of a friend of my mother.  When the Germans invaded, my mother looked to find someone who might adopt me in case it was necessary because we were Jewish.   
I was only 13 years old.  My mother told me you’re going to stay with them.  On July 31, 1943, the Germans arrested my mother.  They came for me at the home of the Marechals but I wasn’t there, I had gone to stay with Gladys’ sister and brother-in-law, Winnie and Hubert Budenaer.  
The Budenaers then joined the underground and were afraid to keep me.  I went to hide in their church and then also joined the underground myself.    I stayed in the village of Warrem, Belgium.  I transported ammunition that English flyers dropped for the underground to blow up German facilities.  I transported ammunition from one village to another.  
When war was over, I went back to the Budenaers and waited for my parents to come back.   One of my uncle Moishe Rozenwald came back and told me that my parents were not coming back, that they had died.  He said he didn’t want me to stay there but to come to his home in Liege, Belgium and so I did.  
I was an orphan.  I married another orphan, Simon Rozencweig on November 1, 1947.  The Budenaers who were like my family were moving to the United States to be near their daughter who was living in Detroit.  Their daughter spoke English and helped the downed British flyers find refuge during the War.  She later married an American captain in the US Army.  In 1952, we left Belgium with them and settled in Detroit.  

Where were you in hiding?
First in Heers (between Brussels and Liege) and then later in Warrem (near Huy) in southern Belgium
Simon, Upholsterer
Harry, medical doctor; Sonia Faigenbaum, nurse
Five: Lisa, David, Jason, Arianna, Jessica Great grandchildren One Emily
What do you think helped you to survive?
G-d and good Belgians.
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
Remember what happened.
Charles Silow
Interview date:
To learn more about this survivor, please visit:
The Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive, University of Michigan

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