Name at birth
Chaim Yehoshua Goldfinger
Date of birth
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
Voychesko, Poland
Name of father, occupation
Unknown, Tailor
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Unknown, Rosenbloom, Homemaker
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Nine siblings I was the youngest
He grew up, small, and the youngest of nine children. A brother married and went to France, his paternal grandmother had cousins in New York. businessman, middle man selling building supplies, small groceries. farmers, dispense to smaller businesses. several hundred in the town.

Herman was Married to Miriam and had two children: Moishe and Shia. He was the president of synagogue, head of Jewish committee

Herman was living in Wojcieszkow a town 40 miles away from Warsaw. As conditions worsened, he only spoke about it at the end of the war. Jews were permitted to live but under harsh conditions. He was in charge of choosing Jews to go to resettlement. "We all knew, but we had no guns or weapons. We hoped somehow it would be stopped." His son Shia died at 2 months old from starvation. One day, trucks came to take them to Treblinka. His wife Miriam pushed him away and told him to run, "Run, Chaim, run," so he fled into the woods. Miriam couldn't run, she and their son Moishe were taken to Treblinka, where they were killed. Treblinka was an extermination camp, not a work camp.

Herman escaped into the woods, like in the movie Defiance, he found a group of 80 Jewish men. Of the 80 men, 76 were killed because they refused to follow his advice to move to a new location every night. The Germans brought artillery and encircled them killing almost everyone. Of the four surviving men, two made it home. One man, Zachai, was killed when he went back to Poland after the war. Herman escaped and joined up with the Russians. He killed a German, which he regretted the most. After the war, Herman went to Bamberg, where he was protected by the German army.

Name of Concentration / Labor Camp(s)
Where were you in hiding?
In the woods
Where did you go after being liberated?
Bamberg, Germany
Where did you settle?
Detroit, Michigan
Eva Blum, his first wife Miriam perished in Treblinka
Rose and David along with Moishe and Shia who perished during the Holocaust

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